Perception Point
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100% Dynamic Scanning

Dynamically scan 100% of email traffic including embedded files & URLs regardless of the volume.

99.95% Detection Rate

Catch any threat type including evasive malware, social engineering attacks and ATO attempts with unprecedented accuracy.

75% SOC Time-Saving

Save up to 75% of SOC time with a natively integrated, managed Incident Response service managing incidents and remediating threats.

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Professional Team for you


Advanced Email Security

Protect The Top Attack Vectors

Protect users’ email, enterprise browsers, Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace apps, CRMs and storage solutions.

Cloud Apps & File Sharing Security

Cloud & File Security

Cloud & File Sharing Applications, such as MS365 apps, Zendesk, Salesforce, HubSpot, and any of the other hundreds of apps out there, are great in sharing content and data..


Advanced Browser Security

Catch threats at the point-of-click

Advanced Browser Security equips you with a wide set of tools and granular policies over your users’ window to the internet, no matter where they are. Secure access to and prevent risky activities on your organization’s web apps and SaaS solutions across managed and unmanaged devices