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Email Archiving

Cloud/On-site E-Mail Archive solutions allow you to reduce costs and meet compliance requirements.



  • Appliance or software
  • Flexible and scalable
  • Plug-and-play
  • Full data control
  • Integrate with mail servers

  • Pay as you go
  • No onsite hardware required
  • Office 365 compatible
  • Rapid search
  • Access anywhere
  • Evergreen environment
  • SaaS
  • Value-added service
  • Whitelabel
  • Carrier grade
  • Increase customer retention


Whether you start with an on-premises deployment and wish to switch to a cloud platform at a future date, or vice versa, Cryoserver gives you the flexibility to switch from one to the other. It delivers the same software and functionality, however you’d like your organisation’s email archiving.

  • Fully compliant with industry regulations
  • Protection against loss of data
  • Simple backup and restore
  • Removal of unreliable PST files
  • Becomes a vital part of your disaster recovery plan
  • Fast search tool for emails and attachments
  • Mail servers workload reduced
  • GDPR compliant


How long are companies allowed to keep email ?

Companies should carry out a risk analysis and decide an appropriate retention period. Seven years is often selected, as contract disputes are time-expired after this time. If contracts are being made or altered via email, then relevant emails should be kept until the liability expires. Longer retention periods are needed for those regulated industries mandated to keep records for longer periods. For example, pension advice given via email should be retained for up to 100 years. It is perfectly acceptable for an organisation to keep all its email for the longest mandated retention period even if ALL email doesn’t need to be preserved for that length of time.

Can you capture instant messaging ?

Cryoserver can archive instant messages (Teams, Slack and others) from a variety of different sources and preserve the IMs in a separate repository to the email, giving you a single pane of glass for searching both.

Can companies keep and read private email ?
Yes, because private email sent to a company’s email domain ( belongs to the company and not the individual at that company email address. Norton Rose and many others demonstrate the risk any company faces from ‘private’ email. Clearly, the company has a right to mitigate that risk by preserving, making searchable, and retrieving and reading any and all email entering or leaving its email domain.
How do you prove an email’s integrity ?
Cryoserver is configured to ensure that each and every email sent or received by a company (including internal email) is captured. As each message arrives at Cryoserver a digital fingerprint of the entire message is taken, and this is recorded with the message in an encrypted and compressed format. If a message is retrieved from Cryoserver its digital fingerprint is recalculated (after it has been uncompressed and decrypted) and this is compared with the digital fingerprint recorded when the message was received. It is therefore possible to prove the content of a message has not been tampered with in any way since it was received.
How do you get old email into Cryoserver ?
Legacy mail can be loaded into our solution. We have developed various tools to assist with this process depending on the originating source of the email. These tools de-duplify and compress emails. This means that the space old emails take up in Cryoserver is often a lot smaller than the original source of the messages.
What makes Cryoserver different to other archiving products ?
Whilst both it and other archiving products address email storage concerns, Cryoserver has the added benefit of addressing compliance and regulatory issues as well. This coupled with an easy-to-use, intuitive search interface and flexible delivery options means Cryoserver is an excellent email archiving solution.
Are companies allowed to keep everything ?
Yes, as long as they can justify doing this, and demonstrate they’ve carried out a formal process to decide what to keep and how long to keep it for.
What is Email Archiving ?
Email archiving reduces normal email clutter by storing a copy of email to a storage site where they can be retrieved when and if needed to comply with regulatory or legal inquiries, as well as e-discovery for audit or recovery needs.