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WatchGuard Launches AuthPoint, Multi-Factor Authentication for Small and Midsize Businesses
New survey reveals that 61 percent of SMBs believe MFA
Nagios XI 5.5 is here!
All the Changes A comprehensive list of the changes in
OpenDNS Umbrella Alternatives for Web Filtering
In general terms, WebTitan is a direct swap out technically for OpenDNS/Umbrella. They
POPI: Is Facebook data in South Africa ?
Is Facebook POPI compliant ?. It is no secret, Facebook
Actiance and Smarsh to Create Global Compliance and Enterprise Information Archiving Leader
K1 Investment Management today announced the acquisition of Actiance, a pioneer
SpamTitan Update
SpamTitan Update Version 7.0 This latest release includes an update
Xtraction Release 2018.0 Reporting
Xtraction 2018 Comming soon If you are using Ivanti  you
Robinson Partner with Smarsh Archiving
Robinson Distribution, spend the last 15 Years helping customers to
What Gartner say about Archiving ?
Most companies in South Africa already received the message on
Phishing scam combines FedEx and Google Drive
If you were the unlucky once to have received an
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