Cryoserver Email Archiving Appliance Multi-Tenant Software
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Cryoserver Email Archiving Appliance Multi-Tenant Software
CryoServer Multi-Tenant Archive appliance for email archive

In today's litigious environment just about every company needs to keep complete and accurate email records. Offering a solution to this dilemma, Cryoserver is the world's leading resource for email archiving appliance and software. Cryoserver's solution provides the necessary data for forensic and compliance needs for customers' electronic records. Now the company is offering a its multi-tenant email archiving software.

Cryoserver can be delivered as onprem or cloud solution providing a complete, audited, tamper-evident repository of emails and instant messages sent to, from and around an organization, suitable for legal and regulatory compliance.

Because of the different options to connect to mail platforms, CryoServer can archive all email platforms (Office 365, Exchange, Lotus, Groupwise, cpanel etc). CryoServer also allow for a mirror options to provided additional redundancy for off-site storage

The multi-tenant Cryoserver email archiving software is used by Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) businesses, such as hosting and datacenter companies, to provide an email archiving solution and/or service to their customers. With this , a company can quickly and easily deliver managed service archiving to multiple customers around the world.
Hosting and datacenter companies can also rebrand the Cryoserver user interfaces with their own name and logo. A true plug-and-play solution, Cryoserver can be set up very quickly and is suitable and affordable for small or large businesses. Companies can enhance their customer offerings with this internationally recognized enterprise level email archive solution. 

The strong emphasis on auditing and forensic procedures means that organizations using Cryoserver can:
- Meet the growing need for data retention and data production. 
- Protect their employees' privacy rights.
- Gain fast access to critical information in response to disputes and compliance requests.
- Save money and time by eliminating dependence on searching through email back-up tapes.
- Limit searches to an investigating employee, without any need to involve IT specialists or other employees.
- Audit searches to ensure that investigations do not stray into unrelated areas.

About Cryoserver
With clients in over 20 countries, the Cryoserver forensic compliance system is the world's leading compliance solution for email and other electronic data. With the advent of email as a legally binding form of business communication, companies are waking up to the fact that only systems that protect the data, restrict access to the data, and audit any access are compliant with the myriad of today's conflicting regulations. To learn more, visit