Getting good feedback on service and products is essential for companies to make sure they deliver at least what is expected from their customers. Not that this should be the bar but could be a baseline to build from.
We recently received such feedback from a Partner Infinity Connect and well we had to make a scene. Infinity Connect supplies a comprehensive range of cutting-edge Internet solutions which includes, Optic Fibre broadband, Voice Over IP, Virtual Private Servers, Licenced, and Unlicensed Wireless as well as LTE-Advanced.
Infinity Connect asked RD for a solution to provide as a service to their customers. The solution should resolve spam, viruses and archive for all emails types flowing through their network. The solution needed to be rock solid, easy to manage and allow for a user-friendly interface for customers, and as always well priced.
The manager from Infinity Connect send us this pic to show us the solution is running now for 365 Days, 55 min. with the message "Spamtitan running for 1 Year with no problems, Thanks you are the best ever".

Thank you to Infinity Connect and all our partners and customers for your support.
Robinson Distribution Team